
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Thanksgiving Break Filming Blog

 On the 23rd of November of 2020, I began the filming process for my music video. I had a basic understanding of what I wanted the final product to look like. All I had was the story board for guidance and a picture inside my head and a story board. I knew that although this would not be perfect, but I wanted an improvement from my last media studies project. I wanted to show myself that I can do this so I set the Thanksgiving break to be the days to film. Firstly I had to establish my props actors, camera man and all of the needed equipment's. By this day, it is the 25th and I new that I would not be filming the  26th Thanksgiving day. One because I would get in trouble and two I really wouldn't have the time to.  The location where I would film my entire video from start to finish would be under my garage. Considering that it's day-light saving time, I knew that it would be getting darker earlier. By 6:30 P.M. the sun is out and the moon is shining bright out so my goal w

Planning Story board for my Music video

  Scene one: In the first scene is an opening scene where 1 million shot in a zoom will be done Scene two: In the second seemed the zoom will continue into the garage Where await said would be available Scene three: In the third seen the way to under the garage or visible In themain character is coming into the scene Scene Four: In the fourth seen the main character with sports clothing is lounging and begins to growl Scene five: In the fifth scene the main character with confidence begins to walk over near the heavy weights with the determined face Scene six: In the six Seen the character begins to breathe in and out and begins to squat towards the weights Scene seven: In the seventh scene the main character begins to slowly lift the heavy weight into a squatting position Scene eight: In the eight scene the character can be seen struggling with the weights and he’s not giving up but is not able to budge Scene nine: In the nine scene The main character can be seen beginning to cry in d

Planning for my Music Video

Props: Since I am working individually all the props that will be used are mine or at my reach. I will be using weight room equipment in my music video as I will be working out and sweating and have a speaker playing the song out loud. This will be used as a motivational pieces.  Costumes: In my commercials, the cost of that will be included will be a cotton shirt that is working working out. I will be using athletic shorts. I will be using tennis shoes. I will I may or may not be using a headband. Schedule: On 11/19/2020, I will begin with the initial planning for the filming process  On 11/19 and 20/ 2020, I will start and finish the storyboard for the music video  On 11/22/2020, I will establish my props, locations, angles and back up plan By the 27th of November, I will do all the filming and start on the editing process On the 29th of November, I will finished all the editing and the finishing touches to submit the final product The location: The primary location that I will be fi

Research blog: Music Video Conventions

For this project I decided that I will be doing this song believers by Imagine Dragons. And this music video the audience usually wants to be engaged or hyped up as it’s commonly said in the music industry. Common conventions would include the following.   And most music videos that is in my genre, the producers tend to include many longshots, Close ups and mid shots. This is to create an emphasis on the author the location in emotion which is usually an explosive emotion. The close-ups are usually used to reflect the words of the song with the movement of the lip of the artist which is used in the music video originally used for believers. The original believers video the director had he had many clothes shots on the person playing the guitar the person singing this song and the person playing the drums having them lip-synch most of the time. I will be using similar conventions in my music video.  The mis-en-scene in Music videos in my genre usually puts importance on the representati

Introduction to the Music Video Project

This is the introduction for the Music Video Project that will be accomplished by the November the 20th. I will be answering 4 questions, who I am working with, why, the name of the song that I am going to do and why.  I decided that I will be working by myself for this project. The reason why I mainly made this decision is because I’ve been a team player all my life. How does this relate to this project, well because I’ve participated in numerous teams such as basketball teams track and football. Since I have worked all my life as a team player I decided that it would be beneficial if I work by myself on a major project like this. I also realized that if I would work with another player or in this case another member then I would have to split the work and I don’t like splitting. The reason why I don’t like splitting is because I feel like the person would not equally split the work . I would end up doing most of the work, and I know that from past experiences. On numerous projects I

Reflection Blog

 Nervens Joseph 11th Grade CETAPHIL Commercial Reflection blog This reflection is going to be different, it's going to stay within the boarders of the rubrics yet the answers will be thought from outside the bubbles boarder.  To answer the first question in as much details to reach the 20 sentence mark I will begin by breaking the first question into 2 parts, 'How does your product use or challenge conventions' being the first. In typical commercials, lotion commercials to be more specific, I've notice many conventions that can be found a large range of lotion/moisturizing commercials. For starters, most of them typically star a famous celebrity or a well known public figure whos typically an older actress. For example, the Aveeno commercial who stars 51 year old Jennifer Aniston who has several awards or another example would the recent Olay commercial who stars 41 year old  Elizabeth Jean Philipps. I challenge convention by staring non- celebrity  16 year old Male. Re

Cetaphil Commercial - Aice Media Studies AS (9607)

On the 2nd of November, I began the process of finalizing my Cetaphil commercial that I have been working on for a few days. This would be my 2nd major project that I had to get done to be graded since the beginning of the second quarter so I was a little anxious to make it perfect. I thought that for a total project worth 800 points, that this had to get my all. 100% and I had to make the project the best even though I knew it would not. When I began filming and because I did not have the proper equipment it made it harder to make my vision come to life. I did not even have a phone, I had to wait until my dad came home, however, I pushed through. I learned that if I dedicate some time, I may not get perfection, but acceptable work. As my first video project this quarter I am ready to tackle the next few with more time precaution and equipment. I will definitely plan ahead next time, not by day but how long I should have invest into the project. A very big one of my problems is procras

CETAPHIL Editing Blog

Although I have not finalize my editing process, so far I have worked on it for approximately 2 hours. Between this time, I have filmed all footages that were needed. It was time for the hardest part, the editing, I used clip chant as my main editing software because it is free and it is very effective. During my editing process a lot of scenes were cut out and did not make it to the final cut. Once I began editing I had a lot of fun when picking pieces/takes that would be in the final scenes. All the edits I did were done on a school laptop however a few edits were exported to my phone to change the ratio from 9:16 to 16:9 widescreen ratio. That was the first mistake that I did, filmed in portrait mode on my phone and then I had to have them send back and some of the pixels were lost in that process and also cutting out my head in a lot of the final scenes. One problem was that I had to use what I had to create no more then 30 seconds, and that was an issue for what to cut out. I deci

CETAPHIL Commercial Filming Blog

 On Saturday, the 31st of October 2020, I set out to begin my filming process in front of my yard. This was cut short because Florida has very bipolar weather and it began to pour, and the filming had to be delayed to the 31st of October. In the end, all shooting was done on the 31st and the editing would be set for the first. To describe the filming process I would have to begin with the camera person. I asked my mom and she was busy and I asked my sister for a favor. She had to stand on the edge of the street and the front yard. The street was not too busy so that was an advantage so fewer takes. All outdoor shooting was taken with precaution. Then the next scene- scene 2 was done in my bathroom and it did not need any outside person to film as I had a phone stand and it worked. There was a lot of footage for this scene and during the editing process, I had to cut to a small timing in order to fit the 30-second limit. The final scenes were done in my room and those did not use my tri