Cetaphil Commercial - Aice Media Studies AS (9607)

On the 2nd of November, I began the process of finalizing my Cetaphil commercial that I have been working on for a few days. This would be my 2nd major project that I had to get done to be graded since the beginning of the second quarter so I was a little anxious to make it perfect. I thought that for a total project worth 800 points, that this had to get my all. 100% and I had to make the project the best even though I knew it would not. When I began filming and because I did not have the proper equipment it made it harder to make my vision come to life. I did not even have a phone, I had to wait until my dad came home, however, I pushed through. I learned that if I dedicate some time, I may not get perfection, but acceptable work. As my first video project this quarter I am ready to tackle the next few with more time precaution and equipment. I will definitely plan ahead next time, not by day but how long I should have invest into the project. A very big one of my problems is procrastination. I believe that it works or me, but sometimes I have to remember that over procrastinating is not good for me or the quality of my work.

I learned so much during these few days of hassle. I taught myself that it's ok to not be perfect. I learned that this is my first production and there is space to improve on myself and become capable of making amazing products. I still have a lot of questions for future projects and I'll tackle each one of them as time moves on. I will also be working on my production skills on my own for personal uses. I will use what I learned between yesterday and today to help me reach those personal goals that were inspired by this project. I will definitely be looking back to this project as a base for my creativity.

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents who let me film with there phones, and the viewers of this blog. Thank You.


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