Introduction to the Music Video Project

This is the introduction for the Music Video Project that will be accomplished by the November the 20th. I will be answering 4 questions, who I am working with, why, the name of the song that I am going to do and why. 

I decided that I will be working by myself for this project. The reason why I mainly made this decision is because I’ve been a team player all my life. How does this relate to this project, well because I’ve participated in numerous teams such as basketball teams track and football. Since I have worked all my life as a team player I decided that it would be beneficial if I work by myself on a major project like this. I also realized that if I would work with another player or in this case another member then I would have to split the work and I don’t like splitting. The reason why I don’t like splitting is because I feel like the person would not equally split the work . I would end up doing most of the work, and I know that from past experiences. On numerous projects I had no other choice but to work with another person. The outcome was I did 95% of the project and they ended up doing the rest 5% the day it was due. So I decided that if I have a major part like this one I will be working by myself, and that is the first reason for why I’m working by myself. The second reason I’m working by myself is because I do not have access to reach someone if I will be working with them. This project forces you to collaborate with other people in your class but due to coronavirus guidelines I cannot be working with my friends in this class. The final decision was either I work by myself and don’t worry about splitting the work or working with other people and have lots of fun and in the end I chose working solo.
The second question is what song am I choosing. This song that I was to choose had numerous guidelines for example no explicit lyrics. So this was a challenge that I was facing because I listen to a lot of songs with explicit lyrics. So I began searching and after a numerous amount of failed attempts I decided to think of what sounds mean or have the greatest message to me. I had not realized that the song that I would be doing was on the radio right now. Imagine Dragons have a long list of songs that have zero curse word for explicit language. So I scroll down through the long list of great songs by the Imagine Dragons and conclude that I will be doing Believers. Believe is a very motivational and inspirational song to me because it has such a great message behind it. This message is that pain makes you a believer and in the song itself, the lyrics continuously state “you made me a, you made me a believer, believer, pain!” So my search was over. I had chosen Believers.


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