Planning Story board for my Music video


Scene one: In the first scene is an opening scene where 1 million shot in a zoom will be done

Scene two: In the second seemed the zoom will continue into the garage Where await said would be available

Scene three: In the third seen the way to under the garage or visible In themain character is coming into the scene

Scene Four: In the fourth seen the main character with sports clothing is lounging and begins to growl

Scene five: In the fifth scene the main character with confidence begins to walk over near the heavy weights

with the determined face

Scene six: In the six Seen the character begins to breathe in and out and begins to squat towards the weights

Scene seven: In the seventh scene the main character begins to slowly lift the heavy weight into a squatting position

Scene eight: In the eight scene the character can be seen struggling with the weights and he’s not giving up but is

not able to budge

Scene nine: In the nine scene The main character can be seen beginning to cry in distress because he has failed the first rep

Scene ten: And the 10th seen the main character gets a flashback to when he was in bed listening to the song believers

Scene eleven: In the 11th seen the character with lots of strength in him and anger begins to try again and into the squad

position and this time put all of his self into it and makes it

Scene twelve: In the last scene the main character can be seen happy and ends with a reverse zoom 


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