
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Blog

 The spring break has concluded and left me stranded for time to finish filming. I had previously mapped out a plan with times to have everything completed.... But that went to waste. During the 7 days "break", I could have filmed the whole thing from start to finish if I had time, and I understand this is my grades that I am jeopardizing and I am ready to grind so to speak to get it done. There's always the why--why didn't I film, what were the circumstances, which is a priority? In simple terms, I work now. On Monday evening I began filming the opening scene and I visualized the sound that would play in the background. As stated in the last blog I will not be using any weapons. My mapping of the airsoft weapons will not become a reality. I was so anticipated about getting an Airsoft pistol and Semi-Automatic rifles. They would look so cool when filmed. As military personnel in my movie, I felt it was important to look like one. I had also looked at the price of all

Production blog

As the director of this film, it is hard sometimes to accept the reality of things. I must understand that sometimes things may not go my way. Sometimes you just have to stick to your actual boundaries. No matter how amazing somethings sound, you just have to listen.   You know when you go to the movies and you see a great film, it wasn’t just like that. There is a long process to make a film. There is one person that has the most responsibility in making a film and that is the director. He plays an important role because he is not just telling people what to do and make sure that they’re doing their job. The director has to set up the film and while shooting it, he has to get the film to be perfect. The director also has to find the actors, do a shot list, and also find a location to shoot at. So my claim is that directors don’t just tell people what to do and where to put stuff. Directors are in every stage of the process of making a film. Directors secure clients, set up the shoot

Progress on my Final Project

  Why did you not film? I don't have props ready. I have purchased some of them but they have not come in the mail yet. As of now I have  Did you have to change the location? No, the same locations previously mentioned will stay as the location that I will be filming my movie opening scenes. If it rains, it's fine, no matter the weather, it can play because military operate no matter the weather. Did you have to make any changes to the script or storyboard? So far no I have not.  Did you have to make any actor changes? Yes, I am thinking of adding my cousins as soldiers during the marching scene. Problems you are running into that will prevent you from filming? The props being here and them working. Music choices? Ominous royalty free sounds, voice-overs of me. Asking for permission for music? Probably not, so far no I have not needed to ask for permission.

Production Blog

  Updates...? Thats the purpose of this blog, to blog everything. Let's begin with the assult rife that weights atleast 10 lbs if you dont knowgehs You don't need to dim the rest of the windows. As of now, no back up weapons capable of causing serious damage are street legal. Of course no weapon that will be used in the opening scene will be catergorized as lethal or dangerous weapons. All props will be inspected by the safety team to ensure the safety of everyone around me and my crew. The props are our primary issue at this moment, after finally revising my storyboard post. The storyboard post was the biggest hassle so far... I've had to get it re-done atleast 5 or 6 times. I've even recieved a zero in the gradebook for my class because it wasn't showing the picture. I believe the reason why is because I scanned them and attempted to load them with a converted file  type. I converted the file type because as a "PDF" file, you can not upload it as a JPEG,

Planning Blog: Story Board

Story Board  For Final Project I had started the story board with a goal to create a two minute opening scene inspired by another movie I had previously watched, but the more and more I began drawing out the scenes, the more creative I got within my imagination to create another scene. It got to the point where I was writing the bottom of the panels and then I would draw out afterwards. I understand I can not draw, but as a director my job is to be able to read, and interpret these drawing and I would be just fine.   

Planning Blog: Filming and Editing

  This the first filming and editing blog of the final project. I have not begun actual filming but I have been looking at my story board and I have been able to visualize the entire two minutes perfectly. Although I have my storyboard completed, I've been having issues with it uploading. The first few story boards I've used were digital story boards, but I'm still familiar with the concept of uploading digital pictures to different platforms. While that has been one issue, another issue is going to be the props needed in my film. I do not have a toy MR-15 style rifle or handgun so I have to get those in order to film. I have to dress like some type of military personell. When it comes with that, I am trying to figure out how I am going to transit from a day time to night time scenary. I am going to work out those issues and begin working on when exactly I will begin filming. My anticipated first day filming is sceduled for the 8th of March which gives me a little bit of ti

Final Task: Title design

-  Cash Studios (PRESENTS) -  A NJ Productions film - Actors       Nervens - Kevin      Nervens - General Ed     Nervens - General Herb     Nervens - Lieutenant X - CAMP ED - Music by     NJ Productions  -  Edited by     Nervens Joseph - Produced by     Nervens Production - Story by     Nervens Joseph - Written by     Nervens Joseph - Director      Nervens Joseph My Title     The opening credits of my film will appear in the digital font called, " Architects Daughter " and will appear on the center bottom of my film     Working Title: The title of this film is likely to be "Camp Ed"     It will be in the font called: "Slabo 27px" where it will be bolded and in all Caps: CAMP ED     The titles will be placed in the bottom center of the screen to maximize the screen action     Titles will last approximelty 2-3 seconds with the movie title being the longest at 5 seconds     The colors that I will use will be military related, so most likely black or dark gree

Planning for the final task: Location, Participants, Health, Schedule

  Location: I will be filming at my housee and the approaching road, which is a road leading to a park.  Health  To ensure our safety, my parents have volunteered to act as a “safety team” by providing extreme supervision, with access to a phone that can dial 911 and a first aid kit.  For the safety of everyone, all the weapons in the movie are fake weapons and are not lethal or deadly Due to covid restrictions, I would not be able to record this with my friends, therefore that makes me as all the characters. If covid was not here I would be filming with my nieghbors as my extra characters/soilders Participants Actors     Nervens - Kevin      Nervens - General Ed     Nervens - General Herb     Nervens - Lieutenant X Filming      Nervens      Neyla  Editing      Nervens Directing     Nervens  Safety Team     Dad - James     Mom - Thesilia        Schedule  3/5/2021 - 3/7/2021     Prop gathering will begin. All props will begin to be purchased     -Drone     -Toy gun     -Clothes 3/8/2021

Planning for the final task: Sound Script & Shooting script

  Scene 1     - General Ed: "Welcome Ladies to my camp"     - General Ed: "My name is General Ed. You ladies are going to enjoy going to war"     - General Ed: "My job is to baby you suckers... So do your job and you won't get in trouble... Dismissed"     - Kevin (Me): "This is going to be a long night" Scene 2     - NO dialogue  Scene 3      - General Herb: Clear      - General Herb: Take it (Referring to take the shot) Scene 4     - Kevin: Laughing     - Kevin: "Yes"  Scene 5     - General Herb: "Good job Mission complete"                         -Smiling      - General Herb: "Kevin, one more thing  you're being sent to Camp Ed" Scene 6     - No dialogue      - Boots running  Scene 7      - General Ed: "Get up ladies" Scene 8      -  lieutenant  X: "Move it Kevi Boy" Scene 9      - No dialogue  Scene 10      - Kevin(Praying) " Dear God, please give me strength when I am weak, love w