Production Blog


Updates...? Thats the purpose of this blog, to blog everything. Let's begin with the assult rife that weights atleast 10 lbs if you dont knowgehs You don't need to dim the rest of the windows. As of now, no back up weapons capable of causing serious damage are street legal. Of course no weapon that will be used in the opening scene will be catergorized as lethal or dangerous weapons. All props will be inspected by the safety team to ensure the safety of everyone around me and my crew. The props are our primary issue at this moment, after finally revising my storyboard post.

The storyboard post was the biggest hassle so far... I've had to get it re-done atleast 5 or 6 times. I've even recieved a zero in the gradebook for my class because it wasn't showing the picture. I believe the reason why is because I scanned them and attempted to load them with a converted file  type. I converted the file type because as a "PDF" file, you can not upload it as a JPEG, PNG, or other media file types. After numerous goes at it I finally think they show up now, which means I will not be penalized for my fault. 

As far as content, such as sound, I decided that an omnious intro would fit. Since the audience is just being used to the settings of the movie, I will slowly introduce the sound and the characters. I will have both diegetic sounds like the soilders conversation and non-diegetic sounds for example the gun shot sound effect. 


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