
Showing posts from April, 2021

CCR: Camp Ed

This is an interview I had with a very close friend named Brandon Bell. He interviewed me based on my film and he asks me some questions. Enjoy!  Introduction and 1st- 2 Questions Commercial break aka my movie trailer Last 2 questions      

Final Task: Camp Ed

My final task was certainly a challenge and an adventure. I am glad that at the end of the day it was ready on time. I look forwards to taking the A level course for the fall semester. I thank my friends for reviewing my work and giving me the push to finish it. Lastly, thank you the reader and grader, for your dedication to Cambridge University.

Production Blog

 Honestly, the two minutes were not enough. Although my film looks like a trailer it is the introduction to the main character. The music works great with the actual movie. I did not have an establishing shot as my first shot however in the second scene there is a visible man with a mid-shot however his identity is hidden. This creates the common convention of sci-fi movies beginning with an unknown character. Now, why did I begin my blog like this, well it's to warn you? At first, you make take the first two movies as a trailer if you may, however, one can identify that the movie is just beginning.  My movie begins with the first few seconds of a short introduction of what the character is doing and his accomplishments then directly into the actions like common conventions. The filming was done on my personal phone, an iPhone Xr. Most of the editing was done on iMovie and a small percentage was done on Tiktok, a social media app. During my past films/music videos I have becom...

Production blog

 As I begin to advance in my filming processes, I discovered that filming is actually fun. I took two days off to film and to edit. so now I am basically done with the film I am relieved. Although my boss was mad, and I risk getting fired but my Cambridge diploma is worth more to me. What I have filmed... I have filmed primarily based on the storyboard. I am extremely proud that I have started filming and I am ready to wrap up the final project. I have faced many many challenges, from getting the proper props, to the financial aspect to my new job and no time. In my class, Media Studies, I have a very bad grade because I have not been blogging on time because I genuinely do not have any time anymore. I wake up at 5 in the morning, go to school until 3, then go to work right after school until 11. So I have 1 hour to film and I am not only exhausted but it's usually too late to be filming.  On my day off, I decided to start filming the first 2 scenes, but it was only seconds l...

Production blog

 So.... I have not filmed a single shot in over 4 days.I have had to work everyday, and my assignments are running behind. I have had disastrous panic attacks, and they’re becoming more frequent. I have approximately 1/4 of the whole clip done. I gave myself the 10th as my deadline for filming and use the rest days to edit before sending it in. I am panicking, my grades are falling, I have F’s. My parents are yelling at me and I am behind in my Broward College class to the point where I’ve received a letter of withdrawal. I think about this project every day but it still ends up being last.  So what will I do about it? I am going to do as much work as I can and call tomorrow off. I will dedicate all day tomorrow as my filming and editing day. I will risk losing my jobs because Cambridge is more important.  While I’ve been thinking of this class I realized that I need a camera man, which I have asked my sister to do. 

Production blog

Choosing my songs and background sounds was hard. I could not use songs or sounds that weren't mine nor I had a license for. So I was faced with another obstacle. I was googling royalty-free beats and I had no luck. I was thinking of just using one of my own personal beats that I own 100 percent rights over since I do produce my own beats from start to finish. I began going through some of my beats and samples. I was discouraged so I pulled out my midi piano on a Tuesday morning at 2:30. I was too tired to think of a great 808 considering I had a longer than usual shift and fell asleep unsuccessful laying next to my midi piano. The following morning I began working on a beat that would only be used in this film. The first few seconds of the movie were what I was able to get done in a short time span. Then I realized that I would not be able to finish the beat so I decided that I needed someone else beats. So I got in contact with one of my friends who gave me the information to a p...