Title research: King Kong (1933)


King Kong (1933) from Artofthetitle.com

 - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? 
Many names and positions are displayed in the opening scene of the movie including the technicians, the screen play by, music, sound, setting and a various numbers of individuals and roles played by them. 

 - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

The names of the indiviudals contributing to play there part in this movie was the main priorty of the producers when coming up with the opening sequence. The clip also previews a sneakpeak of the movies first scene and it included a totally different font which demonstrate that the fonts used in the intro were specifically built for it.

 - What connotations do these images carry?

Early 1900 technology, and slow trasitions leading to the one conclusion these images held  the power to weather the movie will be captivating to the audience.

 - What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The intro uses non-diegetic sounds and sound effects to create suspension which automatically turns into an attention grabber for the audience. The targeted audience also faces with the reality thar this movie would be one of the most talked about movies that year, which forced more teens and yound adults to watch it.

 - How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.

Althought this movie is from the early 1930's which is almost 100 years from today, the movie uses advanced technology for there time. They use there version of CGI and in the opening, the character isn't visible but we know that intimidiation and suspense is being built up based on the sound.


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