Believers Music Video Editing Blog

I began editing my music video on December the 1st. This date was anticipated a lot earlier, however I have procrastinated and left time to catch me. Although I had procrastinated at the end of the day I know I would get the project done on time. I am anticipating to have my project finalized by the end of the week of the 7th. Now what have I discovered, learned, and done differently during this project?

During the editing process I came a long way to where I am. I faced lots of issues and I knew I could get them fixed by trouble shooting them. During my editing process A lot of scenes were cut out and/or redone and did not make my final product. I did learn that, that’s ok to make mistakes and get them fixed. I had not yet filmed my flashback scene so I just got that done while I was editing. 


  • I used a 2018 IPhone XR for all the filming.

  • ClipChamp was the main software that I used because it was free.

  • IMovie however later I did not transport those cuts to my final product.

  • I used a Lenovo Yoga 11e to put all the final cuts together.


  • The intro scene was long and just got cut to the amount I needed.

  • I started laughing while bending over to grab the bar, however I kept rolling so I just cut out the laughing and used a flashback to replace it.

  • While running the entire video so far I noticed while replacing cuts that I went over the time limit so that became the biggest issue.

  • I also cut an interaction scene that I thought would be great in the final product.

  • All in all, cutting bad became the biggest issue.

So, on to the next project I go. I await another challenge, so for the time being, thank you for your time.


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