Starting the Final Task

Good After nooon, my name is Nervens Joseph. I am 16 Years old, I am a Junior at Fort-lauderdale High and first year dual enrolled student at Broward College. I am also a NHS (National Honor Society), BPA (Business Professionals of America), DECA, Track Athlete, National Leadership member. In addition I am the Chief Technical Officer at a newly established firm under Virtual Enterprise. I am also currently enrolled in Florida Virtual Schools where I am taking 2 additional classes. In the next few months I plan to finish all the nessisary classes needed to earn my High School degree. I am planning for a successful portfolio to build a future in the Business field. I have all the nessisary qualifications as a technician for a music/video room. I am also Certified Microsoft Expert in Word Assosiates (2013, 2016, 2019), PowerPoint Assosiate (2013, 2016, 2019), Excel Assosiate (2013, 2016, 2019), OneNote Associates (2013), Access Associates (2016, 2019), and Adobe certiciations. I have a long list of other qualifications including my First Aid, CPR and AED license as given by the American Red Cross Assosiation. 

My goals pertaining this class and in general have not changed. After graduation, I plan to open my own firm and get my Masters Degree in Business Administration. I am attending FAMU (Florida Agriculture & Mechanical University), for my undergrad degrees. Then I will attend Harvard University for my grad school (Masters Degree). After graduating I plan on growing my knowledge through hands on collaboration with successful Architectural Engineering Firm owners.

The reason I am sasying all this is to not only re-introduce myself to Cambridge but remind you that I know what I want. I build a plan and pursue it as an individual with guidance from teachers, parents, guidance counselors, mentors etc. I do not like people cheating off my work. I also don't like being dependent of the work of someone else. Although, teamwork is one of my skills considering I am a track-athlete, I do not like depending on people based on academics. This project, I plan on having people to guide me, and help me film and such, but all the blogs will be individual. The movie will be my vision and my steps to accomplishing that vision. 


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