Genre Research: Action


In the begining of the school year, I was researching action blogs. This is the introductory slide of my Action project. In this project I discussed the conventions, sound, common lighting, common camera angle, common movement, Mis-en-scene and many other. Pictures of the PowerPoint Slides

In the firt slide after the introduction slide, I began to explain common lighting in Action films. In action films, directors use different lighting to emphasize the sun, an angle, or a spotlight on a specfic character. In this slide as media I use a take from the Marvels Black Panther, where directors use lighting to replicate the sun above them. 

In the third-fifth slide, I go over common camera angles such high angles, long shots,  and canted angle. I use various media example from movies like Marvels Avenger End Game, Venom, and Black Panthers. I continue to talk about Common Movements such as steadicam, panning, Tracking (Dolly cam), zooming, and Crane shots. In addition, I go over the various types of sound that can be identified in this genre. 


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