
Showing posts from December, 2020

Reflection Blog- Music Video

JOSEPH, Nervens 11th Grade Music Video Reflection Blog  A reflection blog occurs after you have completed an assignment or anything. Looking back to the music video I can say it was a lot of bad time management going on. I did not utilize my time accordingly nor did I go by my idea of getting my work in on time. Before I talk farther about me and experience with this project lets analyze the final product.  In a prompt asking how my product challenges or incorporates conventions and how does it represent social groups and/or issues... I would divide my response into 3 sections, weather I challenge conventions or not and how well does it compare to other music videos in the same genre and later analyze the structure of the final product. While analyzing I will state weather it represents social issues.  I wanted to stay within the borders of my imagination for this project. That isn't something I would normally do, however desperate times called for drastic measures. I attempted to

Believers Music Video

 On the 25th of November, I began the filming for the Music Video and by the 1st all shots were taken. The temperature on all filming days were below 50 degree but yet I gathered my thoughts, materials, and everything I needed to get this project done. I got all the video finalized after the due date however. The last project I procrastinated but not this much. I have slacked and I know good and well that these projects take time. They take dedication, it may not be perfection, but I have to give it all that I have. As my final video project this quarter I am ready to tackle the next few months as hard as I can with more time precaution and equipment. I will definitely plan ahead next time, not by day but how long I should have invest into the project.  I learned so much during the final few days of this project. I taught myself that it gets hard sometimes, but what matters is that I put forth the effort and I am willing to work harder. I learned that this project has only open space t

Believers Music Video Editing Blog

I began editing my music video on December the 1st. This date was anticipated a lot earlier, however I have procrastinated and left time to catch me. Although I had procrastinated at the end of the day I know I would get the project done on time. I am anticipating to have my project finalized by the end of the week of the 7th. Now what have I discovered, learned, and done differently during this project? During the editing process I came a long way to where I am. I faced lots of issues and I knew I could get them fixed by trouble shooting them. During my editing process A lot of scenes were cut out and/or redone and did not make my final product. I did learn that, that’s ok to make mistakes and get them fixed. I had not yet filmed my flashback scene so I just got that done while I was editing.  Equipment  I used a 2018 IPhone XR for all the filming. ClipChamp was the main software that I used because it was free. IMovie however later I did not transport those cuts to my final product.

The Thanksgiving Break Filming Blog Part II

 This is the second part to the first blog 'The Thanksgiving Break Filming Blog' , where I introduced the first half of the filming process. All the filming that was described on that day was done on the 25th of November. Only a fraction of that work has been edited however, I have managed to do a lot more for the final product of my project. I have gathered more props and equipment's to get better results. Those will be put on the editing blog that is getting posted sometime tomorrow evening.  The last blog left off on the 4th scene, which was the only scenes that I got to film. I did not film on Thursday the 26th, Thanksgiving Day *American calendar*. Friday after noon, I set out to get as much possible. Anyways, between blogs 4-6, the character begins to walk towards a deadlift bar on the ground. The bar is obviously heavy, however  the main character goes for it and the 6th scene ends when the main character blanks as a transition. Scenes 7-9, the character goes for a f